Ever feel like life is a joke with no punchline?

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

You ever just sit there, staring at the walls, realizing that existence is basically a long, slow joke with no punchline?

Yeah, yeah, we dress it up. Get a job. Pay the bills. Act civilized. Society hands you this little script and says, “Here, play your part.” But nobody stops to question if the script was written by an idiot.

Think about it. We live on a rock, spinning in a black void, hurtling through space at 67,000 miles per hour… and people are still arguing about dress codes in the office. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

You got governments stealing from you, corporations brainwashing you, influencers selling you happiness in a fing bottle… and what do people do?* They fight over reality TV.

“Oh, I can’t believe they eliminated Jessica!”

Jessica? Jessica is irrelevant. So are you. So am I. But at least I know it.

And don’t get me started on social media.

You ever see a grown adult post a “Live, Laugh, Love” quote like they just solved human suffering? Jesus Christ.

Here’s a better one: “We’re all gonna die. Might as well do something interesting before then.”

And let’s talk about happiness. They sell you this idea that happiness is a destination. That if you just get the right job, the right house, the right car, then BAM—happiness magically happens.

But happiness isn’t a f***ing destination. It’s a moment. And most people are so busy chasing the next one that they don’t even notice the ones they already have.

Bukowski knew. He said, “Find what you love and let it kill you.”

Because what else is there?

Carlin knew. He said, “The planet is fine. The people are fed.”*

Because they are.

And Gervais? He knows nothing matters, so you might as well laugh at the absurdity of it all.

So what do we do?

Drink? Write? F***? Scream into the void? Sure.

But mostly? We keep going.

Because what the hell else is there to do?

Now pour a drink, stop overthinking, and do something ridiculous. You weren’t born just to pay bills and pretend everything makes sense.

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